Introducing Babel-Fish A.I., where our name is not just a nod to Douglas Adams' galactic adventures but a promise of groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning solutions that will take you to the top faster than you can say "Don't Panic!" Let's navigate the digital universe together with technology that's out of this world!

Jason Brazeal 
Lead Engineer of Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning/Neural Networks

For inquiries about our Deep Learning Solutions for your business feel free to contact us 



Babel-Fish A.I. is a registered Trademark ®

© Babel-fish A.I. 2024

Jason Brazeal CEO Profile:
I'm intrigued by the notion of competition, but I must admitthat 


As a seasoned AI engineer specializing in Deep Learning Models and Neural Networks, I possess a unique blend of technical expertise and cultural insight. I bring a distinctive perspective to the field of Artificial Intelligence. With a background in:
Harvard CS50 Artificial Intelligence 
Deep Learning Specialization
Neural Networks Specialization
IBM AI Engineer Certification
Microsoft Azure AI Engineer
Computational Linguistics
Cultural Anthropology


I've had the privilege of working on various projects across industries, including:




Freelance work in the Motion Picture Industry, contributing to award-winning theatrical and non-theatrical productions. 


Directly enhancing and extending the legacies of not one, but two genre icons. With one being Forrest J Ackerman and the second being Chas Balun

Developing social media strategies and Perception Management Campaigns for genre publications, such as Famous Monsters of Filmland, Famous Monsters Chronicles, FantaCo, Space Monsters Magazine, Deep Red Magazine (Jason is a Splat Pack member of Legendary Horror Critic Chas Balun's Deep Red Magazine), and Cemetery Dance Publications.


As the CEO of Babel-Fish AI and AI Jeannie Mobile AI-Fused Software, I've developed a cutting-edge technology which showcases my expertise in Deep Learning Models and Neural Networks. Additionally, I'm a part-owner of Echo Genius AI and Echo Genie AI (an offshoot of AI Jeannie.)


As a Cultural Anthropologist, I'm fascinated by the myths and legends propagated by Cryptozoology, UFO enthusiasts, and paranormal communities. I believe that uncovering the truth behind these myths reveals more about human nature and societal programming than the fabrications themselves.
I am published in Skeptic Magazine as the author of various titles which shed light on the truth behind the myths. Using my past film industry knowledge and contacts to tell the tales that are common knowledge within the secretive FX Community but misrepresented and lied about by cryptozoologists. I am also credited with debunking the Patterson - Gimlin Bigfoot film and exposing the truth behind that, which is one of the top 2 most scrutinized pieces of footage in history, second only to the Zpruder film of the Kennedy Assassination.
And, in addition to that I am credited with debunking the cryptozoology myth of the Rock Apes of Vietnam, I dispelled the Bigfoot myth of the subject by diving into first hand accounts from the soldiers involved and exposed the Rock Apes through photographic evidence as being the known primate species The Red-Shanked Douc Langur (Pygathrix nemaeus), which is a significant discovery that underscores the bad science involved in the pseudo-scientific claims.
I also exposed the entire story behind the legendary Minnesota Iceman, among other things. So I am an accomplished Cultural Anthropologist who likes to dismantle the false narratives and bad science behind what i term as "Pop-Culture-Society"
Great things which I have done and it's fun that I have exclusive bragging rights.  But moving forward...


Based in Carrollton, TX, I'm committed to pushing the boundaries of AI innovation and exploring the intersection of technology and culture.



Feel free to reach out to me at or to discuss potential collaborations or learn more about my work.


Babel-Fish AI Questions & Answers:



Get Started with Custom Machine Learning Models in Just a Few Weeks


At Babel-Fish AI, we understand the importance of timely delivery. That's why we can typically have a custom-built machine learning model up and running for you within a few weeks. Our team will work closely with you to ensure a seamless integration, and we'll keep you updated every step of the way.


Ongoing Support for a Smooth Experience


We're committed to providing ongoing support to ensure your custom machine learning model continues to meet your evolving needs. Whether you need upgrades, enhancements, or troubleshooting, our expert team is here to help. And, for an additional fee, we can also provide premium support packages tailored to your specific needs.


Secure Payment Options


At Babel-Fish AI, we prioritize security and convenience. We accept payments through Stripe for Business, a trusted and secure platform. For your peace of mind, we also offer flexible payment terms to fit your budget.
In most custom work cases, such as machine learning models, mobile applications, etc 
We accept 50% down to begin the project with the remaining balance being due upon completion and prior to deployment. 


Payment Terms


To ensure a smooth project start, we typically require payment prior to commencing work. For custom projects like machine learning models, we require a 50% deposit upfront, with the remaining balance due upon completion and prior to deployment. This ensures we can dedicate the necessary resources to deliver a high-quality outcome.